četvrtak, 4. lipnja 2015.

Naturalt wonders - Plitvice Lakes

Naturalt wonders -  Plitvice Lakes

Plitvice Lakes National Park (Croatian: Nacionalni park Plitvička jezera, colloquial Plitvice, pronounced is the oldest national park in Southeast Europe and the largest national park in Croatia.
The national park was founded in 1949 and is situated in the mountainous karst area of central Croatia, at the border to Bosnia and Herzegovina. The important north-south road connection, which passes through the national park area, connects the Croatian inland with the Adriatic coastal region.
The protected area extends over 296.85 square kilometres. About 90% of this area is part of Lika-Senj County, while the remaining 10% is part of Karlovac County. In 1979, Plitvice Lakes National Park was added to the UNESCO World Heritage register among the first natural sites worldwide. Each year, more than 1,200,000 visitors are recorded.

Natural wonders - Great Blue Hole

Natural wonders - Great Blue Hole

The Great Blue Hole is a large submarine sinkhole off the coast of Belize. It lies near the center of Lighthouse Reef, a small atoll 70 km from the mainland and Belize City. The hole is circular in shape, over 300 m across and 124 m deep. It was formed during several episodes of quaternary glaciation when sea levels were much lower. Analysis of stalactites found in Great Blue Hole shows that formation took place 153,000; 66,000; 60,000; and 15,000 years ago. As the ocean began to rise again, the cave was flooded. The Great Blue Hole is a part of the larger Belize Barrier Reef Reserve System, a World Heritage Site of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO).

Natural wonders - Tunnel of Love

Natural wonders - Tunnel of Love

Tunnel of Love is a beautiful spot in Klevan, Ukraine. A three kilometer railway section leads to the fibreboard factory.
The train goes three times a day and delivers wood to the factory. However, the trees make a green corridor, which attracts many couples, as well as photographers for its eye catching avenue.
It is said that if you and your beloved come to the Tunnel of Love and sincerely make a wish, it will come true. This might be a new romantic place to discover.

Natural wonders - Putorana Plateau

Natural wonders - Putorana Plateau

The Putorana Plateau (Russian: плато Путорана) or the Putorana Mountains is a high-lying basalt plateau, a mountainous area at the northwestern edge of the Central Siberian Plateau, to the south from Taymyr Peninsula. The highest mountain in the range is Mount Kamen which stands 1,700 metres above sea level.
The plateau is composed of Siberian Traps. The nearest large settlement is the closed city of Norilsk. The area contains some of the largest known nickel deposits in the world. Russia's geographical center, Lake Vivi, is situated on the plateau, as is the Talnikovy Waterfall, touted as the highest waterfall in Asia.

nedjelja, 24. svibnja 2015.

Natural wonders - Blue Moon Walley (China)

Natural wonders - Blue Moon Walley (China)

Blue Moon Valley area is also called Shika Snow Mountain area it is located in the southwestern Shangri-La it is about 7km away from Shangril-La county with about 15 min driving. Cable in this attraction has began to serve since 2006. With a 4,190-meter-long, this cable is the longest one in Yunnan Province. People can get to the peak (4,000 meters above the sea level) from the foot of the mountain (3,270 meters above the sea level). When standing on the peak, people can have a view of Meili Snow Mountain, Jade Dragon Snow Mountain, as well as snow mountains in Daocheng, Sichuan.Shika is a Tibetan word (Shangri-la dialect) meaning a mountain abounding in deer. It is said when Sakyamuni began to preach Buddhism in the Deer Park, two deer listened to him attentively in knee-down posture. Therefore, deer stands for common people and is regarded as mascots in Tibetan Buddhism. It is the symbol of longevity and strict adherence to dharma.

Naturalt wonders - Flores Island (Azores)

Naturalt wonders - Flores Island (Azores)

Flores Island is an island of the Western group (Grupo Ocidental) of the Azores. It has an area of 143 km², a population of approximately 3907 inhabitants, and, together with Corvo Island of the western archipelago, lies within the North American Plate. It has been referred to as the Ilha Amarelo Torrado (English: Yellow/Auburn Island) by marketing and due to the association with poet Raul Brandão, but it is well known for its abundance of flowers, hence its Portuguese name of Flores.
Some early accounts existed of the "(seven) islands of the Azores and two islands of Flores" (referring to the islands of Flores and Corvo), but no "official discovery" occurred until the mid-15th century. The island of Flores was discovered in the late summer of 1452 by the navigator Diogo de Teive and his son João de Teive, and first noted by the pilot Pêro Velasco to Christopher Columbus during his voyages. For his reward, Teive received the concession of the sugar monopoly on Madeira.

Natural wonders - Wulingyuan (China)

Natural wonders - Wulingyuan (China)

Wulingyuan (Chinese: 武陵源; pinyin: Wǔlíngyuán) Scenic and Historic Interest Area is a UNESCO World Heritage Site in Hunan Province, China designated in 1992. It's noted for more than 3,000 quartzite sandstone pillars and peaks across most of the site, many over 200 metres in height, along with many ravines and gorges with attractive streams, pools and waterfalls. It features 40 caves, many with large calcite deposits, and two natural bridges, Xianrenqiao (Bridge of the Immortals) and Tianqiashengkong (Bridge Across the Sky).

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